IELTS Speaking Book 7 Test 1

Simple answers: for 6 to 6.5 band score

**Part 1:**

1. **How do you usually contact your friends? Why?**

   I usually contact my friends through messaging apps like WhatsApp because it's convenient, quick, and allows us to stay connected easily.

2. **Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? Why?**

   Yes, I prefer different methods depending on the person. For example, I might call family members for a more personal conversation, but message friends for casual chats.

3. **Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? Why? Why not?**

   Yes, it's easy to keep in contact with them thanks to modern technology, like smartphones and social media, which make communication simple and instant.

4. **In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as they do today? Why? Why not?**

   No, in the past, people relied on letters and landlines, but today, smartphones and the internet have made communication much faster and easier.

**Part 2:**

**Describe a party that you enjoyed.**

I enjoyed a birthday party that was held at a friend's house. It was a celebration for my friend's 30th birthday. The party took place in their backyard, and many close friends and family members attended. We had music, dancing, and a lot of food. What I enjoyed most was the relaxed atmosphere and spending time with people I hadn't seen in a while. The laughter and conversations made it a memorable evening.

**Part 3:**

1. **What are the main reasons why people organize family parties in your country?**

   People organize family parties for occasions like birthdays, weddings, and religious festivals to celebrate milestones and strengthen family bonds.

2. **In some places, people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this true in your country? Do you think this trend is good or bad?**

   Yes, this is true in my country as well. Some people spend a lot on weddings and other family events. It can be a good trend if it brings joy, but overspending may cause financial stress, which could be a downside.

3. **Are there any differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?**

   Yes, family parties tend to be more formal and traditional, while parties with friends are usually more casual and relaxed. The difference comes from the type of relationship and the level of familiarity people have.

**National Celebrations:**

1. **What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?**

   In my country, we celebrate Independence Day, religious festivals like Eid, and other national events like the Republic Day.

2. **Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more, young people or old people? Why?**

   Young people tend to enjoy national celebrations more because they participate in the activities and enjoy the excitement, while older people may appreciate the significance but don't engage as much.

3. **Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Do you agree or disagree? Why?**

   Some people believe national celebrations are a waste because of the expenses involved, especially if the money could be used for social needs. I disagree because these events promote unity and national pride, which is valuable for a country's culture and identity.

8 to 9 band score

Here’s an 8-band version of the responses with more elaboration and formal language:

**Part 1:**

1. **How do you usually contact your friends? Why?**  

   I typically contact my friends via messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Messenger because they offer instant communication, which is both convenient and efficient. These platforms allow for flexibility, whether I want to send a quick text or share media like pictures and videos.

2. **Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? Why?**  

   Yes, I tailor my communication methods depending on the individual. For instance, with close friends, I usually prefer casual texting, but with my elders or professional contacts, I opt for phone calls or emails, as these methods reflect a more respectful and formal tone, suited to the nature of our relationship.

3. **Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? Why? Why not?**  

   Yes, maintaining contact is relatively easy due to the vast array of communication tools available today. Whether it's via social media, video calls, or messaging apps, I can effortlessly stay connected regardless of physical distance. However, balancing time for consistent communication can sometimes be challenging due to busy schedules.

4. **In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as they do today? Why? Why not?**  

   No, the methods of communication were quite different in the past. People relied more on face-to-face interactions, handwritten letters, or landline phones. Today, the proliferation of the internet and mobile technology has drastically changed the way people communicate, making it faster and more convenient.

**Part 2:**

**Describe a party that you enjoyed.**  

I vividly remember attending a close friend’s graduation party held at a beautiful rooftop venue in the city. It was a celebration of my friend’s academic achievements. The party was attended by a mix of family members, university peers, and close friends. During the event, we enjoyed a range of activities, from speeches and toasts to dancing and playing games. What I found particularly enjoyable was the lively atmosphere, filled with music, laughter, and meaningful conversations. The combination of good company and a celebratory mood made it a truly memorable experience for me.

**Part 3:**

1. **What are the main reasons why people organize family parties in your country?**  

   In my country, family parties are typically organized to celebrate important life events such as weddings, birthdays, religious holidays, and other significant milestones. These gatherings provide an opportunity for family members to reconnect, celebrate achievements, and reinforce familial bonds, which are highly valued in our culture.

2. **In some places, people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this true in your country? Do you think this trend is good or bad?**  

   Yes, this trend is prevalent in my country, especially for events like weddings and milestone birthdays. People often spend large sums of money on venues, catering, and entertainment. While such celebrations bring joy and create lasting memories, I believe that excessive spending can sometimes place unnecessary financial strain on families. Therefore, while the intentions are good, it’s important to maintain a balance between celebrating and financial responsibility.

3. **Are there any differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?**  

   Yes, there are distinct differences between the two. Family parties often have a more formal or traditional tone, with specific cultural or religious customs involved. In contrast, parties with friends tend to be more relaxed and less structured, focused primarily on enjoyment and socializing. This difference stems from the nature of the relationships and the expectations surrounding family gatherings, which often include multiple generations.

**National Celebrations:**

1. **What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?**  

   In my country, we observe a range of national celebrations, including Independence Day, Republic Day, and various religious festivals. These occasions are marked by parades, public gatherings, and cultural performances, fostering a sense of unity and pride among citizens.

2. **Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more, young people or old people? Why?**  

   I believe younger people tend to enjoy national celebrations more. They actively participate in the festivities, enjoy the entertainment, and are generally more enthusiastic about the celebratory aspects, such as fireworks or parades. On the other hand, older individuals may appreciate the significance of the occasion but often prefer to observe the celebrations more quietly.

3. **Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Would you agree or disagree? Why?**  

   Some people argue that national celebrations require substantial government spending, which could be allocated to more pressing issues such as healthcare or education. While I understand this viewpoint, I would disagree, as these celebrations foster national unity, cultural pride, and social cohesion. They are symbolic events that help people connect with their heritage, which can be equally important for societal well-being.

Here is the Urdu translation of the questions:

**Part 1:**

1. **آپ عام طور پر اپنے دوستوں سے رابطہ کیسے کرتے ہیں؟ کیوں؟**  


2. **کیا آپ مختلف لوگوں سے مختلف طریقوں سے رابطہ کرنا پسند کرتے ہیں؟ کیوں؟**

3. **کیا آپ کو دوستوں اور خاندان کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہنا آسان لگتا ہے؟ کیوں یا کیوں نہیں؟**

4. **کیا آپ کے ملک میں لوگ ماضی میں وہی طریقے استعمال کرتے تھے جو آج رابطے کے لیے کرتے ہیں؟ کیوں یا کیوں نہیں؟**


**Part 2:**

**ایک پارٹی کا ذکر کریں جس سے آپ لطف اندوز ہوئے۔**  

آپ کو بتانا چاہئے:  

- یہ کہاں تھی اور کس چیز کی خوشی میں منائی گئی تھی؟  

- پارٹی کہاں منعقد کی گئی اور کون کون آیا؟  

- پارٹی میں لوگوں نے کیا کیا؟  

- اور وضاحت کریں کہ آپ کو اس پارٹی میں کیا اچھا لگا؟


**Part 3:**

**خاندانی پارٹیاں:**

1. **آپ کے ملک میں لوگ عام طور پر کن وجوہات کی بنا پر خاندانی پارٹیاں منعقد کرتے ہیں؟**

2. **کچھ جگہوں پر لوگ خصوصی خاندانی تقریبات منانے پر بہت زیادہ پیسہ خرچ کرتے ہیں، کیا آپ کے ملک میں بھی ایسا ہوتا ہے؟ کیا آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ یہ رجحان اچھا ہے یا برا؟**

3. **کیا خاندانی پارٹیاں اور دوستوں کی دی ہوئی پارٹیاں مختلف ہوتی ہیں؟ آپ کو ایسا کیوں لگتا ہے؟**


**قومی تقریبات:**

1. **آپ کے ملک میں کون سی قومی تقریبات ہوتی ہیں؟**

2. **قومی تقریبات کا زیادہ لطف کون اٹھاتا ہے، نوجوان یا بزرگ لوگ؟ کیوں؟**

3. **آپ کو کیا لگتا ہے کہ کچھ لوگ یہ کیوں سمجھتے ہیں کہ قومی تقریبات پر حکومت کا پیسہ ضائع کیا جاتا ہے؟ کیا آپ اس سے اتفاق کرتے ہیں یا نہیں؟ کیوں؟**

Here’s a list of **idioms and advanced vocabulary** that can be useful for each section of the test to give more natural and fluent responses, improving your band score.


### **Part 1: Communication & Technology**  

1. **Keep in touch**  

   _Meaning: Maintain communication with someone._  

   Example: "I keep in touch with my friends through WhatsApp."

2. **Out of the loop**  

   _Meaning: Not informed or involved in something._  

   Example: "I prefer messaging so I don't feel out of the loop when my friends plan something."

3. **Touch base**  

   _Meaning: To briefly make contact with someone._  

   Example: "I often touch base with my family through phone calls."

4. **Drop someone a line**  

   _Meaning: Send a brief message or communication._  

   Example: "Whenever I’m busy, I drop my friends a line just to stay in contact."

5. **At the push of a button**  

   _Meaning: Something that can be done easily or instantly._  

   Example: "With modern technology, contacting people is as easy as the push of a button."


### **Part 2: Describing a Party**

1. **The life of the party**  

   _Meaning: The most lively and entertaining person at the event._  

   Example: "At the party, my friend was the life of the party, keeping everyone laughing."

2. **Throw a party**  

   _Meaning: Organize or host a party._  

   Example: "My friend threw a fantastic graduation party."

3. **Let your hair down**  

   _Meaning: To relax and enjoy yourself._  

   Example: "Everyone let their hair down and enjoyed the celebration."

4. **A blast**  

   _Meaning: A very enjoyable time._  

   Example: "The party was a blast with all the dancing and games."

5. **Paint the town red**  

   _Meaning: Go out and have a great time._  

   Example: "After the party, we decided to paint the town red and went to a nightclub."


### **Part 3: Family Parties & National Celebrations**

1. **Once in a blue moon**  

   _Meaning: Something that happens very rarely._  

   Example: "We have huge family gatherings once in a blue moon, like during weddings."

2. **A red-letter day**  

   _Meaning: A special or memorable day._  

   Example: "Eid is a red-letter day in our country, with families coming together to celebrate."

3. **Pull out all the stops**  

   _Meaning: Make a big effort or do something to the best of one's ability._  

   Example: "In my country, people pull out all the stops for wedding celebrations."

4. **Cost an arm and a leg**  

   _Meaning: Something very expensive._  

   Example: "Some families spend an arm and a leg on extravagant parties."

5. **Go overboard**  

   _Meaning: Do something too much or excessively._  

   Example: "While some people enjoy celebrating, others think spending too much on national celebrations is going overboard."

6. **Break the bank**  

   _Meaning: Spend too much money._  

   Example: "Many people break the bank when hosting family events like weddings."

7. **Hit the nail on the head**  

   _Meaning: To be exactly right about something._  

   Example: "Older people often hit the nail on the head when they say we should keep things simple during celebrations."


### **General Advanced Vocabulary:**

- **Reconnect:** To establish a relationship or contact again.  

  Example: "Family parties are a great way to reconnect with distant relatives."

- **Milestone:** A significant event or stage in life.  

  Example: "We celebrated my friend’s graduation, a major milestone in her life."

- **Elaborate:** Involving many details or carefully planned.  

  Example: "Weddings in my country are often elaborate events with hundreds of guests."

- **Cohesion:** The action or fact of forming a united whole.  

  Example: "National celebrations promote social cohesion and national pride."

- **Extravagant:** Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.  

  Example: "Some parties are quite extravagant, with no expense spared."

- **Memorable:** Worth remembering or easily remembered.  

  Example: "The party was memorable due to the beautiful decorations and lively atmosphere."

- **Significance:** The quality of being worthy of attention; importance.  

  Example: "Older generations value the cultural significance of national celebrations."


Using a mixture of these idioms and advanced vocabulary in your responses will help you sound more natural, fluent, and demonstrate a higher level of English proficiency, potentially boosting your IELTS speaking band score.