22 DEC Answer

Many manufactured food or drink products contain a high level of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

Do you agree or disagree?

Food intake has a direct impact on our health, convincing the experts that better eating habits, in particular, a sugary restricted diet guarantees a stable lifestyle. Against the backdrop of this, some experts push authorities to gear up the cost of commonly consumed desserts, which surely declines their excessive consumption. Though I hardly perceive any encouraging effect of this approach, let us see how realistic it is to circumscribe growing dietary-related issues.

What lies behind the notion of utilizing cost as a tool of discouraging people from the open temptation of sweets, which are generally considered as one of the fundamental reasons for deteriorating health – at least in urban centres? Expensive commodities often become the second priority of people, and the high prices will restrict them from forcedly using their desired food while a majority will seek other possibilities when they see it as a direct hit in their pocket. In this way, it makes sense that after minimizing unhealthy intake, the level of health will be improved.

However, where the high cost of sugary products brings the food items away from the approach of the poor, its consumption will become an integral part of the rich. They will eat them and blatantly showcase their ostentatious lifestyle while teasing out other social communities. In this way, temporary gains could be achieved to restrict masses at least in developing states; however, this is nevertheless last in society for a longer span of time because the forced implementation of rules never satisfies the consumers, and whenever, they will find the opportunity, they grab it.

In the culmination of the above discussion, we may assert that high prices of sugary products will bring an insignificant impact on society as people struggle hard to nourish themselves with their cravings by eating their desired food. And, whenever they find it accessible, they never hesitate to have it.